SFWTF Announces Updated Guidance and Vaccination Certification Form
On May 27, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (SFWTF) updated their guidance concerning its new vaccination certification form, intended to help protect the health and safety of all Federal employees against the spread of COVID-19. Submission of this signed verification form or proof of any required negative COVID-19 test may be required to enter a Federal facility.
This form aims to ensure compliance with safety protocols for all Federal employees and onsite contractor employees, visitors to Federal facilities, and other individuals interacting with the Federal workforce. The SFWTF is authorized to request the information on this form per Executive Order 13991, Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing (Jan. 20, 2021). However, the agency will not maintain any documentation, and therefore, it is essential to keep the form once completed while visiting a federal facility.
The guidance clarifies that the forms will be required whenever the COVID-19 Community Level in a county where a Federal facility is located is “MEDIUM” or “HIGH” as defined by CDC. Onsite contractor employees must attest to their vaccination status by being able to present a completed Certification of Vaccination form while in that Federal facility. If they fail to submit this signed form or cannot provide proof of any required negative COVID-19 test, entrance may be denied.
The guidance and form can be found at: https://www.saferfederalworkforce.gov/downloads/CertificationVaccinationPRAv7.pdf